
Chain Coupling
Chain couplings are small, durable couplings made entirely of steel. They can transmit high torques while taking up very little space. This makes them a cost-effective way to transfer power from one shaft to another. They are easy to install and remove, which saves on operating costs.
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Disc Coupling
This coupling is low maintenance, needing no lubrication. You can inspect it without disassembly and check the disc packs while the machine is running using a strobe light (with guards in place). It's easy to assess equipment misalignment and has no backlash. It's durable, suitable for harsh environments, and has a long life when correctly sized and aligned.
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Encoder Coupling
An encoder shaft to another rotating shaft, protecting the encoder from shaft-to-shaft misalignment. For encoder couplings to work effectively, they need to be flexible and accurate. Without flexible coupling, the misalignment may cause friction, heat, vibration, and noise.
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Flexible Coupling
Flexible couplings are used to transfer torque from one shaft to another, even when the shafts are slightly misaligned. They can handle up to 3° of misalignment and some parallel misalignment. They can also be used to reduce vibration or noise. A coupling designed to allow a limited precise movement between the axes of two waveguides.
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Gear Coupling
A gear coupling is a type of flexible coupling that connects two shafts together, allowing for the transmission of power between them. It consists of two gear hubs with external teeth that mesh with each other, like how gears mesh in a gearbox. The gear hubs are connected by a sleeve that transmits torque from one hub to the other.
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Grid Coupling
These parts are flexible and can absorb vibrations, reducing them by up to 30%. They also protect equipment from shock loads. They're easy to install and maintain, which saves on labor and downtime costs. They can be used with other standard parts. They come in different sizes They're made of strong steel and are built to last.
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Pin Bush Coupling
B-Flex couplings have barrel-shaped bushes with pins and nuts, along with two flanged hubs made of graded cast iron. These couplings use special bushes that provide stiffness, absorb shocks and vibrations, and can handle misalignments. Cone-Flex couplings consist of sets of "Cone-Flex" pins and nuts, along with two flanged hubs made of graded cast iron. Theses are designed to allow the rubber to move in all directions, providing over four times the torsional flexibility compared to a plain bush.
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Quick Flex Coupling
Solid and split covers are made for higher speeds and more torque. They are carefully balanced for fast applications. The design also reduces vibrations and shocks, which helps the coupling and other parts last longer. QUICK FLEX inserts make it easier to replace parts without having to move or take apart the equipment.
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Tyre Coupling
The Tyre flex Coupling is flexible and can handle angular, parallel, and axial misalignments. It can accommodate parallel misalignment up to 6 mm, angular misalignment up to 4°, and end float up to 8 mm. It is suitable for ambient temperatures up to 70°C. The Tyre-flex Spacer Couplings RST are designed for motor-pump installations, allowing servicing of impellers, and packing glands without disturbing the drive or driven equipment.
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Universal Coupling
These are manufactured from alloy steel with heat treated working parts with and without finish bore as per customers requirement. Available up to ½’ TO 4’ Dia shaft size and 2000 kgm torque.
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